There is a time and place for splurging, and there is a time and place for knowing how to save. The small ways we save can add up to real (big) money over time. Set your inner cheapskate free!
There is a time and place for splurging, and there is a time and place for knowing how to save. The small ways we save can add up to real (big) money over time. Set your inner cheapskate free!
As much as I love love love Christmas, if I’m not careful it can really take a toll on two things I try hard to protect. My health and my bank account. I always used to leave the Christmas season with a few extra pounds (and bad skin) and a few less dollars… and I know I’m not the only one.
If you’ve read many finance books or blogs, you’ve probably heard that in most relationships, there is just one person who is largely in charge of the finances. It’s a generalization, but one that hits the nail on the head with my husband and me. We make all our major money decisions together – house, car, investments, insurance… anything that costs more than a couple hundred bucks really. But I, almost unilaterally, do all the spending.
I know it’s early… but I’m a planner. So Christmas is on my mind. And this year in particular I want to get Christmas gifts out of the way early. In December I’ll be doing the whole new baby thing, and I think leaving the house for shopping will be tricky at best.
I looooooove The Bang Theory. They finally made a TV show that can compete with Friends as far as I’m concerned. (I very much just dated myself didn’t I?) Anyhow, I was watching Big Bang re-runs the other night, the one where Sheldon (who we know has “extra” money, by the way, despite being a poorly paid physicist) goes shopping with Penny and tells her she should be purchasing her tampons in bulk to save money.
ITA Matrix – google’s magic flight finding software. If you’ve never used it before, your whole budget travel world is about to be rocked. (Or your flashy travel world, if that’s how you like to go!)
Living paycheck to paycheck sucks. How many times have you said (or heard someone else say) – that you couldn’t buy the whatever-you-want until Friday, because Friday is payday?
Recently (or a few months ago anyhow – time flies!) I wrote about my season of uncontrolled spending in the post 10 things I quit buying to save money. That post went crazy! It’s one of my most popular posts to date actually… (YAY!) It really drove home to me that we are all looking for more ways to make our money go further and SAVE a little.
Before we can have an honest conversation about how to stop wasting food, we need to look at some statistics. Did you know that just one quarter of all wasted food could feed the 795 million undernourished people around the world who suffer from hunger (source)?? What about the fact that In the USA, 30-40% of the food supply is wasted, equaling more than 20 pounds of food per person per month (source)?
This post has been sort of rattling around in my brain this week, just waiting to get out onto the screen…but posts have a hard time forming in my head until something inspires the concrete ideas and words that make up what I want to say. This week, what I want to say came to me at the grocery store while I was contemplating how much money my blog made in October, and looking at a box of $16 chicken fingers.