Side Hustles That Will Make You Money Immediately
Most people looking for side hustles are probably looking to make some money this week (or this month) – not in 6 months or a year.
Most people looking for side hustles are probably looking to make some money this week (or this month) – not in 6 months or a year.
I’ve mentioned before that I was super blessed growing up to have a mom who worked from home and was always “there.” Sometimes she was there and working, but she was still there. I was never without her. I didn’t spend any time in a daycare or wondering if someone was really paying attention to me. I grew up knowing that I was her priority, and I also grew up knowing that working from home is an actual thing.
As much as I love love love Christmas, if I’m not careful it can really take a toll on two things I try hard to protect. My health and my bank account. I always used to leave the Christmas season with a few extra pounds (and bad skin) and a few less dollars… and I know I’m not the only one.
Need New Year’s Resolution ideas that could actually change your life? Pick one (or two!) from this list and make next year your best year yet. Some of these are really hard things to do. But I say do the hard things! They are they ones that need doing the most.
Living paycheck to paycheck sucks. How many times have you said (or heard someone else say) – that you couldn’t buy the whatever-you-want until Friday, because Friday is payday?
I’ve mentioned before that we are debt free. We decided early in our marriage that we would STAY debt free (not including a mortgage. Some day we will have a mortgage, if the timing is right.) The decisions we made that helped us be debt free from the beginning were hard decisions. We lived with my parents for two years, we saved the money it required to build our home. Then we actually BUILT our home.
I often (really – I do mean often) gather a box of stuff that I have decided I can part with and I feel so much lighter and happier when it’s out of the house. Seriously!
Why? Because once I was drowning in clutter. Too much stuff. And I will not ever go back to that.
Claiming that anything is “life changing” is pretty cliche, I know. It’s the sort of statement we throw around, but it doesn’t really mean anything…
So I should really call this post something else, but I’m struggling to come up with anything less cliche that could actually convey just HOW MUCH this simple change in my habits has improved my life at home.