Search Results for: income reports
Blog Income Reports
Blog Income Reports are a Fascinating and Controversial Thing If you can trust the blog income reports you’re reading (I …
Blog Income & Traffic Report: December
I have almost totally ignored my blog for exactly one month as of Christmas day (so for more like 6 weeks as of the time this is posted)! This will be short, because my blogging time is short. And oh my, this is an income report I am excited about. NOT because I made a ton of money or had wicked awesome page views. I made less money and had over 40k fewer page views than I did in November.
Blog Income & Traffic Report: November 2016
I had always HOPED that I could make a living blogging, and I had HOPED that I could generate enough passive income to make it “worth the effort” – but until this past week I have been putting in about 1000% effort. (Not kidding, I’m talking about 6-10 hours per day, every day, for the past 8 months.) Waking and sleeping (yes, even in my dreams) I have been blogging.
Blog Income & Traffic Report: October 2016
I can’t quite comprehend what happened in October. I’ve been blogging for just 8 months. I’m doing lots of it wrong. I’m still breaking a bunch of the “rules”, because I honestly don’t know any better. And yet, I’m making money.
Blog Income & Traffic Report: September
SO. It’s been a month since I received my first real “paycheck” (as in, deposited money into my bank account) that was earned through my blog. I haven’t even been able to bring myself to transfer the money into the checking account, because I am so certain it can’t possibly be real. (Also since I’m still at my day job for another month and a half we aren’t desperate for the money yet.
My Very First Blog Income Report
Part of me can’t believe I’m doing this. Not because I have any qualms about sharing my blog income – I’ve worked so. freaking. hard. for. it. (And prayed hard for it!). I want to tell the WHOLE WORLD that I have a blog income. ( I might feel differently if this were my main source of income.) No, I can’t believe I’m doing this because I can’t believe that I have a blog income to report.
How to Start a Blog for Profit and Work From Home
The blogging world is calling you. You know you have important things to say. You want a new hobby. Or You’ve read the income reports and thought why not me? (And yes, why not you?)
Starting a Blog in a Recession: How to Do it and What you Need to Know
Never waking up again at 6 am to commute, never again worrying more about someone else’s bottom line, never missing another one of your baby’s firsts… never (ever) smiling like you mean it (but really, really, not meaning it) – when you’d rather just flat out punch the guy in the throat? (I worked in customer service. Can you tell?)
I’d be willing to bet you’ve thought about it.
How to Protect Your Blog and Comply with the Law From The Start
If you’ve read Carly’s excellent tutorial on how to start a blog, then you know there is a lot that …